Robine Clignett
work on paper
6 September – 4 October 2009
Colour is central in the work of Robine Clignett (1948). She studies the physical, historical and literary concepts of colour, which she brings together in carefully designed publications. Falun red, Ultramarine blue, Vineyard black, White lead were examined closely; more recently, a publication on the colour green appeared. Green is in the centre of the colour spectrum. In general, yellow stands for warmth and light, blue for cool and dark. In green these two opposites meet. In her works on paper Robine Clignett uses a broad brush to brings on colour very lightly so it can subtly open up and unfold itself.
The forms she uses in this process are derived from nature, but are not descriptive; the main point is expressing what is to be found behind the direct observation. Sometimes the representation reminds you of a landscape, such as an island in the sea or a hill reflected in water. Other works are more abstract, composed of circles lying on a darker background. Because of the concentration which this restrained and quiet work demands of the viewer, the forms are getting more and more intense, so that the space between the colour surfaces seems to start shimmering.