Jan Brokof, Dieter Mammel

Jan Brokof, Dieter Mammel installation, works on paper, video paintings 12 September – 18 October 2015 Jan Brokof (1978, Schwedt, German Democratic Republic) recently discovered the account by the 16th-century German adventurer Hans Staden about his travels and his stay with a tribe of cannibals in Brasil. The explorer describes this new exotic world and…


Twenty 21 oktober t/m 20 november 2011 Twenty years ago Galerie Maurits van de Laar was founded, since then may exhibitions have been organized and the group of artists represented by the gallery has developed. To celebrate this anniversary the gallery organizes two exhibitions and a jubilee publication will be issued. Roel Arkesteijn of Museum…

Die Zeit Ist Jung. Diederik Gerlach

Die Zeit Ist Jung / Time is Young Diederik Gerlach – paintings 1 May – 5 June 2011 Diederik Gerlach (1956) shows twenty five small paintings on panel, devided in five themes: Humor, Einsam (lonely), Stimmung (atmosphere), Quelle (source) and Waldkammer (Forest room). The exhibition’s title itself, Die Zeit Ist Jung (Time is Young), lightly…

Dieter Mammel , Justin Wijers

Dieter Mammel, Justin Wijers paintings, drawings 21 February – 14 March 2010 The paintings of Dieter Mammel (1965) from the series Privacy show direct, often intimate images of naked and vulnerable people expressing their emotions. Through his painting technique, with ink running fancifully on moistened canvas, the image gets blurred, creating a necessary distance to…

Holzschnitt – Woodcut

Holzschnitt – Woodcut Jan Brokof, Gustav Kluge, Dieter Mammel, B.C. Epker, Jos de l’Orme 21 June – 20 July 2008 In the past the woodcut, developed in the 14th century, was of great importance to artists as a means to distribute their work. With Dürer the woodcut started to flourish, much later the expressionists took…