For the exhibition ‘Engel über Licht und Schatten – vom erlösenden Schweigen der Form’ in Kunstraum Dornbirn, Austria, Elmar Trenkwalder created the biggest ceramic work of his oeuvre so far. Visitors are confronted by an imposing architectural structure that seems to dominate the space, and measures a good 13 meters wide and 7 meters high. The work was designed as a double façade with a front and back side, and has been placed in the space in such a way as to allow visitors to walk around both sides. The glistening, blue-green glazed ceramic surface is sensitive to the changing daylight that shines through the large windows of the exhibition space.
The exhibition ‘Angel over light and dark – from the redeeming silence of form’ is on view until the 2nd of December.
14 september – 2 december 2018
Kunstraum Dornbirn, Austria
See also