Stan Klamer, Rens Krikhaar, Astrid Nobel
Zeger Reyers, Dirk Zoete
work on paper, drawings, installation, video
5 January – 2 february 2014
The sea stirs up a broad range of associations and emotions, its mysterious depths and the destructive power of its storms strike fear, vast surfaces of water and the serene rhythm of the surf offer beauty and comfort. Through the ages the sea has been a subject in art, Rens Krikhaar (1982) connects tradition with our present time by reinterpreting the 17th century seascape. With a certain stylization he draws almost surrealistic scenes of giant sea monsters threatening to swallow tiny ships. In the current exhibition he depicts the historic raid of Dutch admiral Michiel de Ruyter’s fleet on Chatham.
Stan Klamer (1951) renders the sea as a metaphorical map in which he arranges islands, ships and waterways but he also depicts everyday objects floating in a meandering stream. Dirk Zoete’s (1969) ships resemble theatrical constructions that can be extended freely, in them puppet like figures function as actors. In Astrid Nobel’s (1983) installation Wait I’m in the Middle of Something the notion of time fades by the intense experience of seeing a nightly sea lit up by algae. Zeger Reyers (1966) visualizes the force of the sea in his videowork Drumkit, in which he put a cluster of empty oildrums in the sea that are constantly bumped into each other, like an instrument played by the waves.