Drawing Now Paris

Karin van Dam, Susanna Inglada



PROCESS Section, stand Pr 3, 28 – 31 March 2019

At Drawing Now Paris 2019, Galerie Maurits van de Laar will present Karin van Dam (1959) and Susanna Inglada (1983) in stand Pr3 of the PROCESS section, located in the basement of the fair.

In the stand is a confrontation of the theatrical and expressive drawings with human figures of Susanna Inglada (1983) in one corner and in the other the powerful, almost abstract graphite drawings of Karin van Dam (1959) that focus on the essence of drawing. This produces an interesting meeting of two approaches in drawing that contrast but also complement one another. On the back wall their work almost meets up but does not touch eachother, leaving an empty space in the middle.

28 through 31 March Carreau du Temple, 4 Rue Eugène Spuller, 75003 Parijs, close to the Place de la République. More info at www.drawingnowparis.com

The fair coincides with the Semaine du Dessin in which several Parisian museums have special exhibitions focusing on drawing. Also the Salon du Dessin takes place, the fair for old master and classic modern drawings.
More info at: www.salondudessin.com/fr/semaine-du-dessin


with the kind support of the Mondrian Fund