Karin van Dam – The Path of The Caterpillar
Karin van Dam (1959) is known for her installations made of materials such as such as buffers for boats, ropes
and insulating casing, that she sees as spatial drawings. These installations are preceded by preliminary sketches.
In her work she often refers to urban structures. After a journey through Canada in spring 2017, her focus shifted to
natural forms and their underlying geometric patterns. The publication The Path of The Caterpillar is a report about
this journey and the drawings it inspired.
Texts (English) by Josephine Miles, Flos Wildschut and Karin van Dam
56 pages, format 17 x 24 cm
Graphic design: SYB, Photography Tom Haartsen, Adriaan van Dam
Publishers KOMMA, d’jonge Hond
ISBN 978-94-91525-89-6
Price € 17,50