Tobias Lengkeek in Image of Man

IMAGE OF MAN Tobias Lengkeek (1991) participates in the exhibition Image of Man in Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam. In the exhibition, fourteen painters try to find a contemporary image of man. In our increalingly complex world dominated by informatics and (social) media man has to adapt and redefine. Each artist shows two paintings in the…

Susanna Inglada in Mirrors of Time

Susanna Inglada in Mirrors of Time Susanna Inglada (1983) participates in the exhibition Mirrors of Time at Castle d’Aspremont-Lynden in Rekem, Belgium. Over the last decade Annemarie van Laethem has organized a summer groupshow in the castle, this year the exhibition focuses on how artists reflect our present time in their work. Artists participating besides…