FREMDHAUS: Andrea Freckmann, Theun Govers

FREMDHAUS Andrea Freckmann, Theun Govers paintings, installation 15 November – 21 December 2014 Interiors and architecture are important in the paintings of Andrea Freckmann (1970) and Theun Govers (1976). Freckmann paints people in rooms with extravagant colors and ornaments. Govers paints nearly abstract architectural images in which interiors blend into exteriors. In the exhibition Fremdhaus…

Sebastiaan Schlicher

Sebastiaan Schlicher (1975) tekent popmuzikanten, religieuze fanatici en survivalists die zich met hun subcultuur een larger than life personality proberen aan te meten om daarmee de onbeduidendheid van hun bestaan te lijf te gaan.

Justin Bennett Pascale-Sophie Kaparis

Justin Bennett (UK) Pascale-Sophie Kaparis (F) animatie, video, tekeningen, werk op papier 12 juli t/m 3 augustus 2014 Justin Bennett (1964) is een internationaal bekende geluidskunstenaar die zich speciaal interesseert voor stedelijke structuren. Zijn recente video Dream Map Sao Paolo is een geluidswandeling waarin een verteller je rondleidt aan de hand van de dromen van…

Robbie Cornelissen

Robbie Cornelissen drawings, animationvideo 18 May – 8 June  2014 Robbie Cornelissen (1954) is known for his large format drawings in which the spectator is allowed to wander through complex architectural spaces. He also tests the boundaries of drawing as a medium. Over the past year he has been working on a new animated film…

Lotte van Lieshout, Robert Nicol

Lotte van Lieshout, Robert Nicol (UK) paintings 19 April – 11 May 2014 Lotte van Lieshout (1978) paints her perception of the world from a strong, personal perspective. Often, she herself is present in the paintings; portrayed in the immediate surroundings of her house or studio, or in an imaginary setting that sometimes refers to…

The Place

The Place Natasja van Kampen, Heidi Linck, Erik Pape drawings, paintings 23 March – 13 April 2014 The Place. A location is able to make such a big impression that it triggers an artist to try and analyze why that particular place is so fascinating, attempting to get to the very heart of that attraction.…


SEA Stan Klamer, Rens Krikhaar, Astrid Nobel Zeger Reyers, Dirk Zoete work on paper, drawings, installation, video 5 January – 2 february 2014 The sea stirs up a broad range of associations and emotions, its mysterious depths and the destructive power of its storms strike fear, vast surfaces of water and the serene rhythm of…